
Diane GoldbergDiane Goldberg is an Independent Funeral Celebrant based in Central Scotland.

As an Independent Funeral Celebrant, Diane is committed to working with families to prepare and conduct funeral services that honour their loved ones, focussing on everything that made them special and unique. Diane is a insured and regulated by the Scottish Independent Celebrants’ Association.

Diane is passionate about working with others through sensitive and difficult times. She is non-judgemental, trustworthy and has lived through an enormous amount of change both in her professional career and personally. She has first hand experience of the challenges of bereavement, the impact of early onset dementia on loved ones, depression, and taking cherished memories forward to positively live day to day.

Diane was honoured to be named Scotland’s Best Humanist / Celebrant at The Funeral Awards 2023.

Contact Diane directly today on 07870 881790 or email office@dianegoldberg.co.uk.